App Upgrade Testing Scenario

App Upgrade Testing Scenario

Upgrade Path for new versions that include schema migrations

  • The purpose is to ensure we don't have crashes caused by data integrities issues from an incorrect migration in the realm database. Therefore this is only required on new versions that include changes to the database schema, (new data which needs to be persisted across sessions)

  • Currently, we are persisting data related the exposure notifications flow and the logging of symptoms flow in the MyHealth feature.

    (Current live App/Play Store build is 1.0.x)
    (New build is 1.0.y)

  1. Download Staging build 1.0.x from AppCenter

  2. Navigate to debug menu and tap "simulate exposure" and then navigate to Exposure history screen to view exposure.

  3. On a build that has the MyHealth feature enabled, (currently only LA), Navigate to the "My Health" Tab and add a Check In Log and add a Symptom Log.

  4. Download Staging build 1.0.y from AppCenter.

  5. Repeat steps 1-3 for the new version

  6. Verify that the app did not crash.