Bug tracking for GAEN

How we are using Jira for Bug Tracking

So, who creates bugs in Jira?

  • Testers, working outside the Dev team

  • Folks providing technical support to Health Departments (in rare cases this may include HD staff themselves).

  • Folks providing technical support to end users (e.g. ZenDesk) who may learn of a problem that way.

The principle we follow is that:

  • Just because a Dev found a bug does not mean that a tester is likely to find it before it gets fixed.

  • If one tester found a bug, then other testers are likely to hit the same problem, and will want to know about it.

Process for ingression of an issue to Jira

If someone outside PM/Dev finds a bug in the GAEN solution, they check Jira for duplicates and

  • if there is no current Jira ticket, create a Jira bug against the GAEN project.

  • if a Jira ticket does exist, add any additional information that may be worth recording.

  • Please make sure that the Project is set to “GAEN Mobile (GAEN)”

  • That the Issue Type is set to “BUG”

  • Before submission, ensure you allocate it to the latest sprint by indicating the sprint name under Sprint field. This is to ensure the team will look at your raised issue/bug record. You can go to Jira Board to check the latest sprint.


Bug Format

  • In the Summary field Input a brief overview of the issue, if possible outline a short specific occurrence
    (Ex: “Android > Settings: Button “English” does not open language choice screen”)

  • For the Description, please be concise specific and provide steps on how to recreate the issue so the Devs are able to discern how to address the fix.

    The Format for bugs is:

Steps to Recreate:
1) Step one (If possible provide version number or any pertinent info)
2) Step two
3) Step three


Actual Results:
The issue occurs, this is what happens instead of the intended action.


Expected Results:
This is what the user expects should occur when the action occurs.

Steps to Recreate:
1) Step one (If possible provide version number or any pertinent info)
2) Step two
3) Step three


Actual Results:
The issue occurs, this is what happens instead of the intended action.


Expected Results:
This is what the user expects should occur when the action occurs.


  • If you have a screen shot or screen capture, upload the file to the Jira server

  • If this issue is related to another issue, you can input the ticket number to the “Issues” field

  • If the issue is SPECIFIC, you can input a Label - (Ex: Translation)
    [Please do not create new labels unless specifically advised to do so]

Here is an example of a bug previously used: