Steps for Testing Infectious Period

Steps for Testing Infectious Period

This is to verify that phones DO NOT receive an EN (Exposure Notification) while in the 14 day window of tracking IF the Exposure Reporter (person who tested positive) denoted that the onset of symptoms occurred outside of the infectious period.


Note: The day range of infectiousness period is defined in the mobile applications risk scoring. Please check with your mobile application team to determine “infectious period”. Typically PathCheck applications use the narrow net scoring which defines -3 to + 4 days of the symptom onset date as being infectious. Detailed Risk Scoring found here.

** In the steps below please use number of days prior to symptom onset that an individual should not be infectious. We will use 4 days prior in the steps below for narrow net risk scoring.


  • Person 1 (Who does not have symptoms at the time) is within six (6) feet of Person 2, and Person 3. Lets call this ‘Day A

  • Four (4) days go by after the occurrence of Persons 1, 2, and 3 within six (6) feet and Person 1 then starts having symptoms. This is ‘Day B

  • Within 14 days of ‘Day A’, Person 1 is tested and receives a positive test. This is ‘Day C

  • Person 1 reports to a tracker, when the tracker asks when the test happened, Person 1 denotes Day C, the tracker then asks when symptoms started, Person 1 denotes Day B, and the tracker then gives Person 1 their Verification Code.

  • Person 1 then inputs their Verification Code into the App, it is registered with the server and completes the transition of data
    Because Day B is 4 (or more) days before Person 1’s symptoms appear, Persons 1 and 2 are NOT notified.

Steps for Testing:

Please make sure that phones have been wiped of any previous data.
- If on iOS make sure to access the App’s Settings tab, and click “Delete my data”, uninstall the app THEN make sure to have turned off Exposure Notifications in the Settings > Exposure Notifications page to purge any previous data.
-If on Android, while app is still installed, access Settings > Exposure Notifications > Exposure Checks > Delete exposure checks, THEN in the App’s Settings Tab, click “Delete my data” and uninstall the app.

  1. Access 3 phones (Android or iOS)

  2. Install the app, make sure they're on the same HA (in this case MN)

  3. Set all phones to a date (hereto referred to as DATE A) - Make sure this is within the 14 day window, but also have the ability to give 4 days after for symptoms.
    [EX: if today is 11/18, make sure phones are set to a 'DATE A' of 11/9 (within 14 days, but room within that window to add 4 days for the first day symptoms are reported)]

  4. Allow phones to sit at least 1 hour (1.5 hours if possible)

  5. Change all phones to current date

  6. Access the HA's Test Verification Interface, login, choose correct realm

  7. Create a verification code, make sure to set:
    A) Symptom Onset to 4 days past DATE A (hereto referred to as DATE B) [Ex: if DATE A is 11/9, DATE B is 11/12]
    B) Testing Date is within 14 days of DATE A

  8. Select one of the phones to be the "Reporter", Input Verification Code generated

  9. Sequester “Reporter” phone out of Bluetooth distance, or turn the phone OFF)

  10. Allow adequate time for server to relay exposure notifications (up to 24 hours)

Please report info or questions to support@pathcheck.org