QA Lead Expected Responsibilities

QA Lead Expected Responsibilities


What is the number one goal of the PathCheck QA Lead: To lead a diverse team of testers and developers in assuring app quality, while creating and improving processes in order to effectively validate and verify a PathCheck application build candidate for release.

Key responsibilities:

  • Coordinating with Volunteer Managers to ensure they have the correct access to any tools, builds, and information they need. 

  • Weekly meeting with volunteer testers to answer any questions they may have and briefly inform them of the goals and expectations for the week

  • Communicate with development team in order to maximize QA testing, understand technical limitations, and provide meaningful feedback

  • Develop processes and initiatives to streamline the entire testing and QA process

  • Identify user interface, user experience, and functionality bugs and issues within PathCheck application builds and call attention to them in accordance with a set communication protocol

Benchmarks for Success:

  • New builds are able to be verified as candidates for release in a timely manner (within a week of the staging build going live in the testing environment)

  • Each week, internal processes should incrementally become more efficient and reflect any changes that may have been added/removed from the project scope at large

  • The documentation both in Jira and Confluence should be clear enough that this role could be handed off to a new resource at ANY GIVEN TIME with minimal communication between the old resource and new resource

  • Volunteer testers are happy, meaning they are not being blocked by unnecessary technical issues, missing or broken information, or lack of direction from the QA team

Tools to Achieve Success:

  • Confluence is the primary “Wiki” for all processes for testing, onboarding, and issue gathering. This is the primary tool for creating a knowledge base for the PathCheck application other than the Git README (which we will not expect testers to read). Important note: this is a public WIKI - communicate sensitive information elsewhere.

  • Jira is for raising any issues with the app, creating tasks for yourself and other internal team members (QA or development), and forming a centralized “ticket” around a single feature request or initiative. It is recommended to communicate about app issues in Slack by creating a ticket and sending a link in Slack to move conversations to the ticket.

  • Slack should be used for quick communication and questions, anything of substance discussed on Slack should be documented in Confluence or in Jira depending on the type of conversation. Anything official (access requests, major changes in direction, etc.) should be communicated over email so it can be easily referenced

  • AppCenter is the primary tool used for accessing and downloading new app builds as they are released. You will need to walk through a simple onboarding process to get fully added to the AppCenter system and be able to download apps for Android and iOS. Other tools such as Apium, perfecto, TestFlight may be used for other forms of testing - but AppCenter is the only required tool to accomplish the minimum expected requirements of this role.