GAEN HA Troubleshooting

GAEN HA Troubleshooting


Please find some troubleshooting steps to test if the GAEN Mobile app is configured and running properly on your device.


Receiving Exposure Notifications on your Device

If you have followed the Testing Instructions and have not received Exposure Notifications after 24-48 hours, please follow the guide below:

  • Ensure your app is the background of your phone and not closed.

  • Go to Exposure History Screen -> Check for Exposures (Available on PathCheck app >= 1.0.5)

    • Requests for Exposures is capped at 6 per 24 hours.

    • This will not result in an immediate notification, but attempt to pull down latest key exports.


  • Review your Exposure logs in the Settings section of your phone. (Instructions)

    • iOS: Settings → Exposure Notifications → Exposure Logging Status → Exposure Checks

      • Review Matched Key Count and/or New Files are being populated with values.


    • Android: → Settings → Exposure Notifications → Exposure Checks

      • Review that Number of Keys, Number of Matches are being populated with values.



    • If you are not receiving log or exposure check data, please consult with your DevOps team or with Apple and Google that your Public Key and configuration is accurate.

Activating Proximity Tracing on iOS Devices

If you are having trouble activating proximity tracing, please try the following steps:
(If you have not setup an Authorized Region with Apple, please contact Apple or PathCheck For assistance)

  1. Settings → Exposure Notifications -> Select No Active Region


  2. Select the Region that Applies to your Application

  3. Set as Active Region (If Active Region is not available, toggle on/off Share Exposure Information, Repeat Step 2)



Submitting Empty Exposure Keys on Android

If you are having trouble submitting exposure keys and receiving the message that you “….cannot calculate hmac on empty exposure keys”, screenshot below.

  • This typically happens if your phone has not had exposure notifications on or you have cleared out your local exposure keys. A new Temporary Exposure Key is generated every day.

Steps to take:

  1. Wait up to 24 hours for your mobile device to build up a Temporary Exposure Key.

  2. After 24 hours, request a new verification code and submit again.

  3. To check for keys, open Mobile Application -> Settings (Gear Icon) → EN Debug Menu → Show Local Diagnosis Keys (Note: This debug menu may not be available)


Reactivating EN Permissions after Migrating to New iPhone

Apple has also informed us of when migrating to a new device Exposure Notification Permissions need to be reactivated for 14.0, 14.1.

Try any of these options to reactivate:

  • Turn off Exposure Notifications (in Settings > Exposure Notifications), then open the app to go re-onboard.

  • Set the region as active. To do this, the user should go into Settings > Exposure Notifications > No Active region > your region in the Authorized Regions section > tap “Set As Active Region”. Then launch the app.

  • Delete, reinstall and launch the app. (If options above do not work)

Resetting Keys and Logs

On Android and iOS devices you can remove all exposure logs and keys. This may be useful after testing or if you have migrated between different applications.

Note: After deleting your logs and random ids it may take up to 24 hours to re-generate ids on your device.

iOS 13.5 or greater:

  • This will delete your exposure logs and random ids.

Settings > COVID-19 Exposure Notifications > Exposure Logging Status > Delete Exposure Log


Android 6 or Above  - 

This will delete your exposure checks or logs.
Settings > COVID-19 Exposure Notifications -> Delete Exposure Checks

This will delete your random ids.

Note: It takes 24 hours to generate new ids.
Settings > COVID-19 Exposure Notifications -> Delete Random Ids