Export of Exposure Notification LOGS

Export of Exposure Notification LOGS

In the phone settings for COVID-19 Exposure Notifications, the user is able to navigate to the Exposure Log, and that log is able to be exported. This is a good Receipt for the End-to-End or possibly helpful with tracking down issues if needed.

Note: Both iOS and Android require that the App is still present and setup on the phone.

For iOS:

  1. Have app installed and setup

  2. Access Settings > Exposure Notifications

  3. Select the Exposure Logging Status area


  4. Select “Exposure Checks”, Input your access code

  5. Press the “Export Exposure Checks” and choose your delivery avenue


For Android:

  1. Access Settings > Google (If needed login to your google account)

  2. Under the “COVID-19 SUPPORT” header, click the Exposure Notifications

  3. In the top right of the page, press the three dots to access the “Exposure checks” area

  4. Input your phone access code, continue to Exposure checks area

  5. Select the three dots in the top right to Export exposure checks, and choose your delivery avenue

    Note: For Androids below 10 - the user is unable to search for the “COVID-19 Exposure Checks” or Exposure Notifications, it must be accessed directly through the Google area of settings.

    Android 10 and above, the settings search will find the Exposure Notifications area.