Test Session Charters
This page is out of date.
For the latest view of testing needed…
for the GPS solution, take a look at the Test Queue here: https://pathcheck.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10055
for the GAEN solution, things are quite fluid, so ask on #testing how to get started.
Testing the GAEN solution typically requires that you have access to 2 or more physical smartphones that you can use in testing (iOS or Android), both of which must support GAEN / BLE.
This page has some suggestions for Charters for Exploratory Test Sessions on the Safe Paths App. If you ambark on one of these CHarters, please note it here and add a link to your test reprot.
Feel free to add additional Charters for areas of the product where you’d lke to see some testing.
At the moment, this is just a small set of ideas generated rather haphazardly. In future, we hope to tie this into the Quality Map, and start to assess whether we have good coverage of everything that matters. When we do that (or as this list naturally grows) we’ll need to add a bit more structure / organization to it. Anyone who wants to begin that process is welcome!
Test Session Charter | Who tested, when & what verion | Link to test report |
Broad general exploration of Safe Paths App | Diarmid Mackenzie, 9 Apr,, Android 0.9.1 | |
Quality of GPS Data - explore a wide range of possible impact to quality (location, time) of GPS data. Analyze data generated by export for issues | Loads of testing done - many problems found, fixes planned for MVP1, and we’ll need to retest. | |
Test the app when network connectivity is not available (e,g, Airplane mode) | Some casual testing done by Diarmd - nothing systematic yet. |
Explore a wide range of different error conditions on Android app (OS settings wrong, out of storage space etc.) | Some casual testing done by Diarmd - nothing systematic yet. |
Explore some interesting user stories with user moving between Health Authorities (e.g. cross-country / international travel) |
Invent some user stories around everyday urban liffe encounters with COVID-19 infected people, and map out the user’s experience. See e.g. User Story Location Mapping: Bus Journey #1 |
| See some richer ideas here: Interesting scenarios for GPS-based False Positives & False Negatives |
Role play infected patient sceario with both App & Safe Places together. | Planned as part of Boston Beta trial. |
Multiple user accounts on Android (blocked on GitHub #563) | Not required for MVP1. |
Try to break the app with illegal input on all possible interfaces |
Fuzz test Google Data Import | Google Data import dropped from MVP1. |
Fuzz test Healthcare JSON download |
Testing with large data sets (see GitHub #325) | Diarmid, 28 April, Android 9. Problems found - fixes comign in MVP1 | |
Accessibility Testing |