Old Testing Resources Summary
This was a summary of Testing Resources as of 19 April 2020.
All this content (if still relevant) is probably now better represented elsewhere…
A Slack group (which you are already a member of). Definitely join #testing. #app_dev may be useful too, and other channels depending on your interest.
There is a weekly all-hands project call, on Saturdays at 1pm Eastern, where Romesh (the overall project lead) & others pitch the project-level status to the whole team. This may include some tech content (last week we got some interesting briefing on the Apple/Google Bluetooth initiative), but this also covers the wider ecosystem of partnerships with governments, health authorities etc. Last week we had horrible problems with audio - hopefully we fix it this week!
For more general background information on the project, see this website: https://covidsafepaths.org/
Product docs space here: Unsorted product docs that need triage (maintained by the PM team - lots of content).
GitHub repositories for Safe Paths (App) and Safe Places (Healthcare Authority Web UI).
Get started with How to Test GPS End to End
Product builds of Safe Paths available in GitHub for Android (APK files for sideloading). The situation with iOS is a bit more complicated, as we have not yet got the App through Beta App review to enable open Beta testing through TestFlight, but that’s in progress, hopefully in the next 2-3 days. In the meantime, we can have up to 25 Apple accounts available to test - we just need to be careful how we ration these (and share the with Dev)
For instructions on “side-loading” an APK, see this article: https://www.howtogeek.com/313433/how-to-sideload-apps-on-android/
If you want to do some testing of Safe Places, The ReadMe.md file has some info on how you can set up your own test server in a container. We don’t (yet) have any communal Safe Places servers - if you think that would be useful, you can be a part of helping make that happen!
Jira, which we use to track bugs, as well as user stories: How to raise bugs found in Testing
A level of grooming of the GitHub issues, to direct where we should be focusing. Look for the “High Priority” and “For next release” tags
A Library of Test Cases, which traces all the “happy paths” through the App, and is stored in PractiTest. If people would find it useful, we can evolve this set of Test Cases to cover a broader spread of product function. It’s likely that our automated checks will draw from this library.
A “Quality Map” document that tries to articulate the key value that the product delivers to all its different stakeholders. I’m intending that we can use this to help map out a set of Charters for exploratory testing, and I’m also intending that we can use this structure to report some information about coverage of our testing back to PM & Dev.
Some tools for simulating Health Authority Databases. These tools can:
Generate infection data e.g.: http://pathcheck.pythonanywhere.com/infection-data?longitude=0&latitude=51.6
Generate location data for upload to a phone: http://pathcheck.pythonanywhere.com/location-data?longitude=1&latitude=2&points=3
Generate a YAML file with HDs that host data around a particular long/lat: http://pathcheck.pythonanywhere.com/yaml?longitude=1&latitude=2&hds=3
Analyze location data recorded on a phone, and output locally (via Feature Flag): http://pathcheck.pythonanywhere.com/upload
These tools are in GitHub here, which includes guidance for setting up an additional Python Anywhere server instance, should you wish to do so.For more details see also this video:https://pathcheck.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TEST/pages/200638489
Tools to generate YAML files. These can be used to create a set of Test Health Authorities, publishing data as per the previous bullet, which you can point the Mobile App to. https://diarmidmackenzie.pythonanywhere.com/yaml
Tools to analyze reliability of JSON data: https://diarmidmackenzie.pythonanywhere.com/upload
For a list of currently active areas of testing - and who to reach out to for pointers & ideas, see:
Testing Status - who is working on what?