Safe Paths Quality Map

Safe Paths Quality Map

Initially written by Diarmid Mackenzie, Weds 15 April. Minor feedback from Steve Penrods applied. More feedback welcome (add comments, or edit directly - new content, or clarifications: just go ahead. If you want to delete or substantially rewrite existing stuff please comment & discuss first).

At the time, I was very focussed on Safe Paths app. Does this need more extension to reflect all stakeholders/value from Safe Places? (almost certainly, yes).

What is this doc & why does it exist?

This document is created by testers, and its purpose is:

  • To help testers to think about quality goals for Safe Paths, and in particular to think about coverage of threats to quality

  • To help Product Managers to understand what we know - and what we still don’t know about the quality of the product

  • As a framework for anyone else who might be interested in thinking about product quality.  Devs in particular may be interested.


In Context Driven Testing, we often explain “quality” as “value to someone who matters”

This leads to 2 more questions:

  1. Who matters?  We call them stakeholders

  2. What do they value in Safe Paths?

This “Quality Map” tried to identify all the key stakeholders in Safe Paths (there are more than you might think).

It also tried to identify & explain the key attributes of Safe Paths that matter to them.

We hope for this to be as complete as possible - though if the lists get too long, we might split based on priority so we don’t lose focus on what matters most.

How is this supposed to be useful?

For testers:

  • Inspiration for test ideas.  Pick an area, and think about ways in which the product might fail to deliver that value.  Now you are starting to visualize possible bugs: think of the possible triggers, and you are starting to flesh out same space for productive exploratory testing.

  • Evaluation of coverage.  To report on the status of our testing, we need to talk about coverage, as well as the problems we find.  “We tested and we didn’t find any bugs” doesn’t imply anything if your coverage was poor. This Quality Map gives a top-level framework for talking about coverage (within any individual cell on the map, you could talk about various dimensions of coverage too, but at a high level, this gives us some sense of what we know, and where the biggest unknown still lie).

For product managers

  • Fundamentally the value is that it underpins good test reporting (in particular reporting about coverage) - and that’s valuable for PMs because it helps to ensure we keep aware of what we don’t know, as well as what we do know.

  • This map may also be useful in helping PMs to think about how we are serving all our stakeholders, and to review for stakeholders or specific attributes valued by those stakeholders, that we are overlooking in our roadmap development.

See also - this (living) sheet where I try to map out the current status of these quality goals

Building & Maintaining the Quality Map

We’ll build the quality map in 3 stages:

  1. One person (happens to be Diarmid) scratches his head and comes up with all the key stakeholders & things they value that he can think of.  Includes reviewing a selection of important bugs, to check whether the values those bugs threaten are things we’ve captured.

  2. Doc put out for wide review, by PMs, Devs, other testers.  Crowdsource all the things Diarmid missed & correct his mistaken ideas & assumptions. We are in this stage right now

  3. Maintenance mode.  We use this. We match bugs against it.  Over time we spot further gaps, and we adjust and move forwards.  (or maybe we do a more substantial overhaul).

One person needs to have responsibility for maintaining the overal integrity of the doc.  For now that’s also Diarmid

Let’s get Mapping!  Who are our Stakeholders?

Here’s a list of Stakeholders.  These are people that matter, in the context of Safe Paths.  Think of them as (classes of) people who could potentially be impacted by a defect in Safe Paths.

Further in the doc, we’ll get into analyzing what matters to each of these groups.

  • App users (diagnosed & undiagnosed)

  • Health Authorities

  • Internet Service Providers

  • The Local Community (including non-users of the app)

  • Local Businesses

  • Testers

  • Developers

  • Product Managers

  • Sales (do we call them Sales?  I mean the folks who own our relationships with the Healthcare Providers) & Marketing

  • Privacy Advocates

  • Safe Paths Volunteers

  • … 


Users (Undiagnosed)


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Precision of Info

When I overlapped with someone I want to get specific information (narrow time window, specific place)

Accuracy (False Positives)

I don’t want to be warned about encounters where there was no plausible risk of infection

Accuracy (False Negatives)

If I have an encounter with someone that risks infection, I want to be notified

Reliability (foreground)

I want the app to work when I try to use it.  No hangs, crashes etc.

Reliability (background)

Background operations of the app should work all the time - no silent failures


I want it to be easy to understand what the app is telling me, and what actions I should take.


It should be easy to do what I want to do in the app without too much thought.


My personal data should not be exposed without my consent


The app should not expose me to any source of harm


I’m putting my trust in this app.  I don’t want it undermining my confidence in it.  I want it to feel like a high quality product..


The app should not cost me much to run & use (ideally it should be free).

Complete data

I want most infected users to share their data (actually a specific category of “False Negatives” but important enough to pull out separately)


Users (Diagnosed)

All these attributes are attributes for undiagnosed users too,  We pull them out because explicitly considering these attributes in the context of a diagnosed user leads to different insights - and the threats to quality are fundamentally different.

Note: some of the attributes that are important to Undiagnosed users are not important to diagnosed users, because they use the app differently - so not all rows are duplicated here.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)


I want the app to work when I try to use it.  No hangs, crashes etc.


When I am not trying to use the app, I don’t want it to bother me, or cause me any issues


I want it to be easy to understand what the app is telling me, and what actions I should take.


It should be easy to do what I want to do in the app without too much thought.


My personal data should not be exposed without my consent


The app should not expose me to any source of harm


I’m putting my trust in this app.  I don’t want it undermining my confidence in it.  I want it to feel like a high quality product..


The app should not cost me much to run & use (ideally it should be free).


Health Authority


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)


It should be easy to guide a diagnosed use through the process of sending data.


The app should provide users with clear direction about what to do


Information provided by the app must be accurate


Patients directed to the Health authority by the app should not have been distressed, agitated or angered by their experience with the app.


Individuals at risk of COVID-19 exposure are notified promptly, so they can quickly reach out to the Health Authority for guidance


A high proportion of people who install the app keep it installed


A high proportion of people who install the app regularly use it.


There should be no issues with the app as the number of infected patients tracked increased, or as the number of users of the app increases.



The wider community in which the app is deployed.  They may or may not be users of the app.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)


Reduces the spread of COVD-19


Enables a higher level activity within the community than would otherwise be possible.

Not harmful

App does not lead to harmful behaviour in the community (e.g. due to misinformation)

Local Businesses

Businesses such as restaurants could be significantly damaged by information that connects their location to users diagnosed positive.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)


I don’t want the fact that people who have visited my business, and are later diagnosed positive with COVID-19, to become public knowledge. 


I don’t want to suffer damage to my business from misinformation spread by the App.


Internet Service Providers


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Low impact

Safe Paths should not disrupt my ability to deliver internet services to other users (either in terms of sustained bandwidth, or spikes)


I’d like to understand what traffic in my network is driven by Safe Paths.  I may want to apply different policy to it (throttling, billing etc.).



Partners are any organizations that have a relationship with Safe Paths, and are therefore stakeholders in our success.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Privacy & Security

The app must be perceived as delivering its Privacy & Security claims


The app should be having an impact

Impact perception

The app should be seen to be having an impact

Reputation & brand

The app should have a strong brand and reputation.  Among other things, we must avoid “ridiculous” errors, that could make entertaining (but embarrassing) news headlines.

E.g. “Car driving at 100mph along freeway past rush hour traffic in the other direction racks up 100 possible COVID-19 infections”

Or E.g. “Every resident of 100 storey tower block asked to self-isolate, due to a single COVID-19 postive patient self-isolating in his own apartment”


Privacy Advocates

By positioning ourselves as privacy-first, we encourage the support of privacy advocates, campaigners & influencers.

By supporting us, they become stakeholders in our success, and could be harmed if we underdeliver against our promises.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Privacy & Security

The app must be perceived as delivering its Privacy & Security claims


The app must not develop a reputation for spreading misinformation.

Reputation & brand

The app should have a strong brand and reputation




Ripped from James Bach / Michael Boton Rapid Software Testing.  I can’t make this better by re-writing it.




Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)


Given a problem description, it should be 


It should be straightforward to change behaviour in one area without 

...I could write more here.  Lots of overlap with Testers above.  I’m not sure how much value there is in fleshing this out - Devs are typically pretty good at taking care of their own needs from the product.


Product Managers


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)


I can get a sense of how the app is being used in the field, and the experience that users are having.  I can evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the app. I can identify opportunities and threats. I can get data from which I can make inferences about the impact of the app, etc. 

Strandardized KPIs

I can distill Analytics down into simple to understand, industry standard KPIs, to track trends over time and benchmark against understood norms for Mobile Apps.

Actionable reviews

What else?

Would love some more input from PM about what they want from the app *for themselves


Sales & Marketing

Attributes that make for a compelling demo.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)


Just by looking at the app, a prospect understands how it works 


It must be possible to demo the app with realistic (but not real) data - and do so in any location


App demos must “just work” every time


The app should look great and “drip quality”

Positive user feedback

The app should have high scores on the App Stores


I want positive references from already-deployed Healthcare Authorities.


Attributes that make for compelling press.  The product may not be able to deliver these values by itself, but it is worth considering what the app can do to facilitate creation of this value.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Positive qualitative feedback

I want genuine quotes from users that emphasize key attributes of the product 

Demonstrable impact

I want data that shows the positive impact that the app is having

Privacy & Security

The app must match up to our claims regarding Security & Privacy


I want an ecosystem of partners who will talk positively about the product.


Safe Paths Volunteers

I’ve run out of steam here.  This is definitely a valid stakeholder group - but do they need anything from the product that’s not already covered under one of the other stakeholders?

I can’t think of any, so I don’t see much value in mapping this out.

Ideas for identifying gaps in this document

Learn about standard KPIs.  WHat do Mobile APp creators typically monitor?  Why? Which stakeholders do these KPIs serve?


Review GitHub issues (both open and closed).  For each bug, consider what value that bug threatens.

  • Which stakeholder receives that value?

  • Is it mapped above already?  If not, add it.  

  • Is the value mapped, but the bug is radically different from the illustrated example?  If so, consider adding a 2nd illustrative example, to encourage broader thinking. Or perhaps sub-divide the attribute to highlight the multiple aspects.


Appendix; Functional Areas of the product

In test planning, it can be useful to consider any of the value attributes idetified in this document, in the context of individual areas of product function.

Drawing up a matrix of attributes vs. functional areas, and mapping the cells can be a helpful way to assess coverage and generate test ideas.

Key functional areas of MVP 1.0 app:

  • Install / setup

  • Import location data

  • Export location data

  • Load HA data

  • Cross-matching local data vs. HA data

  • Providing guidance based on collected data

  • Newsfeed

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