PractiTest - Test Management System
As of 23 July 2020, we are no longer using Practitest.
There may still be one very niche remaining case where we are using it to track which TCs have been implemented in 21labs, but we aren’t using it for anything else, and we aren’t encouraging further use of it.
PractiTest is our Test Case Management System. Admins are @vedha kannan @Vijay Vellala @Diarmid Mackenzie
If you want access, DM one of us your email address on Slack, and we'll add you. We are hoping to move the bulk of our testing onto this platform, so if you want to be involved in testing, you should get onto PractiTest.
None of us admins are 24x7 robots, so please be patient! If you can't wait, feel free to DM more than one of us. But if you do so, then please DM us all again when you get your login working, so that we know you've already been taken care of!
You'll need to wait for an email from PractiTest, which typically arrives within about 5 minutes after the admin adds you.
When you log in to PractiTest, you can find tutorial videos to explain a lot of the basics. If you have questions that the videos don't answer, post in #testing & hopefully someone can help you out.4
Bookmark this page for the Practitest Test Sets view (where testers will typically start)
Note that while we track testing in PractiTest, we don’t track bugs/issues there - we use GitHub issue tracking. Raise a GitHub issue in the appropriate repo (Safe Paths or Safe Places).
Also, GitHub issues are for clear product bugs. If you are raising a concern about the spec, requirements or capabilities of the product, you should raise in Jira instead.
More specific briefing on this to be developed, but the Safe Paths & Safe Places projects can be found here:
Pracitest asks:
Additonal admins welcome - let us know if you want to.
We want people to keep developing our library of Tests on Practitest, and to keep evolving how we use the platform. Joel Montvelisky (VP Product at PractiTest, in Israel), has offered some of his time to help us understand how to make the platform work best for us. We don’t want to flood him with enquiries, but if you think you can make good use of his time, get a contact from Diarmid or Vedha. (for more basic questions, there is also a support channel for the PractiTest Website
More documentation here on how we are using / structuring PractiTest, hints & tips, lessons learned, ideas/vision for the future - bring it all on here! (create some pages below this one).