SauceLabs - Web and Mobile testing

SauceLabs - Web and Mobile testing


Important notes

  • When using SauceLabs for testing GPS apps, note that the notification screen popup will not appear. However, the location screen notification popup will appear as normal.




  • 5 VMs for testing in parallel and unlimited minutes, both web and mobile emulator/simulator

  • And they will provision public real devices

SauceLabs Blog commitment

Contact: bill.mcgee@saucelabs.com

In exchange, we would like to ask if you or your colleagues would be open to having Sauce write a blog post that would describe your project and how you are using automated testing. This is something we can do down the road, and we try to make it an easy process by either conducting an interview or providing questions to answer in a written reply. Our writer will then draft the post for your review, edits and approval.

And while not a hard and fast requirement for COVID related projects, we'd appreciate it if you could also please give credit to Sauce Labs, via a text link and/or logo and link on your repo. Please let us know if you need a different size or file format:

![Testing Powered By SauceLabs](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saucelabs/opensource/master/assets/powered-by-saucelabs-badge-gray.svg "Testing Powered By SauceLabs") ![Testing Powered By SauceLabs](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saucelabs/opensource/master/assets/powered-by-saucelabs-badge-red.svg "Testing Powered By SauceLabs") ![Testing Powered By SauceLabs](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saucelabs/opensource/master/assets/powered-by-saucelabs-badge-white.svg "Testing Powered By SauceLabs")

You can also add a Status Badge and/or a Browser Matrix widget to monitor your test results if you'd like:

Small Badge

[![Sauce Test Status](https://saucelabs.com/buildstatus/YOUR_SAUCE_USERNAME)](https://app.saucelabs.com/u/YOUR_SAUCE_USERNAME)

Matrix Badge


[![Sauce Test Status](https://saucelabs.com/browser-matrix/YOUR_SAUCE_USERNAME.svg)](https://saucelabs.com/u/YOUR_SAUCE_USERNAME)

For more information on how to monitor your test results, here's the documentation.

On behalf of all of us at Sauce Labs, thank you for contributing to the Open Source community and for the important work you are doing - happy testing!