Efficacy Measurement Capabilities

Efficacy Measurement Capabilities

List of suggested measures from Kyle + comments + actions. Plus some more potential measures.

This focuses on what we can realistically meaure, not what targets might be - that is for separate consideration.







Daily Downloads iOS

Can we measure this by country? What about in a given county/state in the US?

Look at what metrics are available in App Store

Daily Downloads Android

Can we measure this by country? What about in a given county/state in the US?

Look at what metrics are available in Play Store

Cumulative Downloads iOS

As per daily


Cumulative Downloads Android

As per daily


Daily Active Users ??

We can measure how many downloads of JSON data there are from the HA - but this is HA infrastructure not our software

Explore how we might get download counts for JSON data.

We may also be able to distinguish iOS vs. Android vs. Browser (curious people/hackers). Figure out if we can.

Daily New Cases

We will need HA to provide this info

Add to list of asks for the HA

Number of Cases Contact Traces usind Safe Places.

We should be able to get this from Safe Places

Discuss with Safe Places team how we could get this

Number of New Cases added to HA JSON data

We should be able to get this from Safe Places (even though it’s not derivale from the JSON data)

Discuss with Safe Places team how we could get this

Daily number of “points of concern” added to HA JSON data

We should be able to get this from Safe Places, or JSON data

Discuss with Safe Places team how we could get this

Number of data points redacted during Contact Trace interviews.

We should be able to get this from Safe Places, or JSON data

Discuss with Safe Places team how we could get this

How many diagnosed cases had app

We will need HA to provide this info

Add to list of asks for the HA

How many contacted PHA because of app

We will need HA to provide this info

Add to list of asks for the HA

% of people notified with exposure test positive

We will need HA to provide this info. Because positive test may come some days after exposure notification, they will need appropriate record keeping to provide this info

Add to list of asks for the HA

Total exposure counts for each patient that contacts the HA. To allow us to test correlation of exposure notifications with +ve / -ve test results.

We will need to ask the HAs for this data - they will need to ask the patients.

Add to list of asks for the HA - sensitive as it requires collection of additional data from patient.

For a patient contact traced using Safe Places, how many of their data points matched existing “points of concern”

Safe Places should be able to generate this.

Are we happy this is OK privacy-wise?

Check technically possible with Safe Places.

CHeck privacy concerns with Adam Leon Smith.

Location history analysis of new infected carriers compared to hotspots

Didn’t understand this - aren’t the “hotspots” by definition the places where the most new infected carriers have been?

Check with Kyle.

% of contact tracers trained

We will need HA to provide this info

Add to list of asks for the HA

% positive test rate

We will need HA to provide this info

Add to list of asks for the HA

HA Contacts / day relative to new cases

Just a ratio of other values already being gathered.


HA Beacon Data (Refreshed per day) 

Didn’t understand tis - does this relate to BLE?

Check with Kyle.

Devices registered against HA endpoint (selected the JSON)

I think this is a dupe of “active users” above (if active users = “opened the app” than (1) we can’t determine that without something like firebase, and (2) it’s not how the app is used anyway.


iOS App uninstalls

I don’t think we can measure this - will have to infer from drops in pulls of JSON HA data


Android App uninstalls

I don’t think we can measure this - will have to infer from drops in pulls of JSON HA data