Privacy/security people at PathCheck
For people working on Privacy / Security at PathCheck, here’s a list of people who are either working directly on privacy/security, or in adjacent areas.
Thomas Donelly - has experience as a CSIO - helping us shape overall strategy & positioning on Privacy & Security + delivering some individual items.
Ananya Gangavarapu - Technical expert on privacy. Authored our DPIA & a bunch of other stuff.
Brook Schoenfield - Security expert volunteer, but with limited time available on the project. Created an inital threat model for GAEN solution, but has not been involved much since June.
Lina Martensson - Project volunteer with security expertise, but mostly focussed on GAEN risk algorithms and analytics.
Sam Zimmerman - PathCheck CTO
Mahdi Fahda - PathCheck IT systems
John Schoeman - Tech lead GAEN Mobile App
Sherif Kozman - Tech lead GAEN Servers - also responsible for hosting these in Google Cloud & therefore related security.
Dave Runkle - Test Lead for GAEN
Stella Nelson - Test Lead for GPS
Art Gibson - Implementation team. Helping to support set-up of pen testing environment at Guam (using a secondary non-production GAEN server), for use by, BugCrowd etc.
Adam Leon Smith - Was very engaged for a few months on Privacy/Security (April to July). Mostly worked on the GPS app. Currently much less involved with the project, but still handling interface to Immuniweb pen testing.
External organizations
Incident response system, used as part of our process for monitoring
Vinay Gidwaney (at PathCheck) has been helping with this.
See slack channel tf_pager_duty - Pen testing. They have offered to pen test the GAEN app + server pro bono.
Contact: Sam Singh <>
BugCrowd - Crowdsourced pen testing.
90d pen testing of GPS solution from 4 August
90d pen testing of GAEN solution also offered, but not yet started. Waiting for set-up at Guam to do this.
Whitesource - Composition analysis
Sales Contact: Jehonathan Madsen <>
They offered us free access to their paid version in exchange for some PR.
But we are currently just using their free version (Whitesource Bolt) to scan GAEN repos.
Have a free online tool for security scans of iOS & Android mobile apps, which we have used for both GPS & GAEN apps.
Also volunteered to pen test our GPS Mobile app for us for pro bono. As of 19 Aug 2020, this has still not been scheduled yet.
Contact - not known - was being run through Adam Leon Smith (see above).
Open Security Summit
Back in May/June, they did a lot of work with us on Contact Tracing.
They encouraged us to stay engaged with them, but we didn’t manage to keep this up
Adam Leon Smith was the main contact on our side.
Dinis Cruz was the main contact on their side. He may be open to re-engaging.
Daniel Oates-Lee
Recommended by Jonathon Wright as someone who can help us with security
As of 19 August, I’m trying to get a conversation going with him…
If you scroll back through the history of the fn_security channel, you’ll find various other organizations that offered to help with security analysis & testing in various ways, but we didn’t get much substance back from most of these…