Safe Places Automation

Safe Places Automation

This page is no longer in use, for up to date meeting minutes please see here:

GPS Solution - Testing

25th August - 3:30pm BST/10:30am EST

Attendees: Lynn, Deven, DaveR, Oliver, Stella

  • Agreed to move meeting to Mondays 9am PST/12pm EST/5pm BST

  • Team agreed to move over from Python to JS stack asap

  • Lynn to review Devens PR https://github.com/Path-Check/safeplaces-frontend/pull/362

  • Lynn/Deven to ensure new tests are running in the pipeline

    • Current tests create data point, all the way through to publishing, and update settings

    • Convert to JS tests

  • Next week we’ll get update on GAEN and what we might do to support

  • NOTE: From next week this meeting will be combined with the GPS meeting on Mondays


18 August - 10:30am Eastern

Deven, Lynn, Stella & Diarmid

  • Deven has been working on a move from Python to Javascript (Nightwatch) for Selenium tests.

  • Automated Browser Testing With Nightwatch & Cucumber

  • Deven has also been looking at the lower-level Component tests, and has some ideas for improvement here. He’s also interested in moving the FE API code to use autogenerated code from an OpenAPI API definition.

  • We need to start conversations with the Dev team (Facundo) to discuss

    • Can the Dev team start developing Nightwatch test scripts?

    • Component-level tests

    • Rework of API code.

  • We know the Dev team has been downsized recently, as PathCheck focus shifts to GAEN. Diarmid to follow up with Facundo & get latest status.

  • Lynn has been looking at getting scripts working vs. BrowserStack to simplify execution environment. Making steady progress here.

Notes from follow-up with Facundo & Sam:

  • We are cutting the Rocket team on Safe Places, and planning to move back to an all-volunteer Open Source model for ongoing development. This reflects the fact that GAEN is a higher priority right now, and that our resources are finite.

  • TBC how feature prioritization, release schedule & interactions with QA will work in this new all volunteer Open Source model.

  • In this context, automated tests for Safe Places will be of value, but they need to be set up in a way that Open Source contributors can extend them, run them etc. So they need to be a part of the main repo, clearly documented & accessible to all contributors etc.

  • For GAEN, there may be some (fairly basic) Admin Web UI interfaces being developed. There may be some test automation work here, but it’s very early days at this point.

11 August - 10:30am Eastern

We did meet, but I don’t have any notes - sorry.

4 August - time 10:30am Eastern

  • Low turn-out. I suspect some people missed the calendar invite that I sent out.

  • This was supposed to be a time that would work for everyone, but if it’s not please do let me know.

  • No update on BE Postman - CIndy spreadsheet shows same status as last week.

  • Lynn & Devin joined.

    • Lynn & Devin to connect for an hour later this week to discuss he current status on Selenium tests & review issues.

    • Oliver needs some help from Lynn as well - they will connect via slack later this week.


28 July - 12:30pm Eastern

  • Brief call with just Stella, Diarmid & Cindy present

  • BE Postman tests

    • Cindy is working alongside Afshin on Back End Postman tests. There were some blockers that Cindy was getting support from Aiyan on. No other issues.

    • Cindy shared the plan that she & Afshin were working through. Of 20 target flows, 9 are complete, 11 to do.

    • No other testers currently available for the project from PQA.

  • FE Selenium tests

    • Not covered as nobody present who is working on this.

    • Lynn Gazis, Deven & Oliver Pacut all potentially available to work on these tests.

    • Diarmid to reach out & find a better time that works for this group.

    • Various issues with Selenium tests are being progressed and resolved in Slack.