GPS Solution - Testing

GPS Solution - Testing

From 24th August these notes refer to the whole GPS solution including Mobile and SafePlaces

31st August 2020 - 12pm EST/5pm BST

Attendees: Lynn, Deven, Oliver, Roshni, Suchithra

Apologies: DaveR

  • SafePlaces Automation: Lynn, Deven, Oliver have moved all the tests over from Python to nightwatch.js and jest. Team will update ReadMe this week, and finalise any outstanding tests so that anyone can pick up in the future

  • GPS Manual: Suchithra managed to reproduce an issue seen only a few times previously - where data points uploaded to SafePlaces get additional data points added from another record - there are no reproduction steps as yet, Stella and Suchithra will work to try and reproduce this week

  • GPS Mobile Automation: No status update this week on the GPS mobile automation side

  • Jira status for GPS/SafePlaces: There are a total of 16 outstanding tickets on GPS (3 language based) which need attention but are not a priority currently - Stella will continue to work through these tickets

  • Agreed now would be a good idea to get all GPS testers involved in GAEN

  • Team direction: Get up to speed with GAEN to determine current need and see where you can support

24th August 2020 - 12pm EST/5pm BST

Attendees: DaveR, Suchithra, Stella

New members: David Fern, Roshni Pattah(Redhat)

  • Reviewed Jira status

    • Suchithra looking at ENs - not getting any through atm and also review PLACES-523

    • Stella looking at clearing down the remaining tests

  • Onboarding of Dave/Roshni

  • Next week:

    • Stella to feedback on latest GPS release status

    • From next week we will be joined by the GPS Automation team


17 August 2020 - 12pm EST/5pm BST

Attendees: Diarmid, Stella, Dave.

  • Velocity on GPS Dev is slowing considerably, as GAEN solution has much more momentum in the market right now.

  • Testing backlog is mostly caught up with current Dev. Some scale testing to do, but not clear that is needed at this point.

  • New features that entered test (Zendesk integration + HA auto-enroll) did not work - back with Dev.

  • Diarmid is rolling off the project.

  • Dave & Stella need to build stronger interactions with Dev teams to understand upcoming roadmap & release plans.

  • We set up a call with Jacob Jaffe (GPS Mobile Dev lead) to discuss

    • Latest info from this call is that the Rocket engineers on both GPS Mobile & Safe Places are rolling off at end-August.

    • TBD what we are trying to deliver between now & then - Jacob to get clear steer from Sam/Spectra, and then Stella & Jacob to align on this.

    • Plan is to try to shift back to a pure volunteer / open source model for the GPS Solution.

    • If we do this, TBC how feature prioritization, release schedule & interactions with QA will work, - all TBD as we figure out this new model.

10 August 2020 - 12pm Eastern Time

Attendees: Diarmid, Stella, Nancy,

  • Dev support for GPS this week is for urgent issues only

    • Team reduced to Jacob Jaffe

    • Jacob on holiday this week

    • Dan McCoy still available on Safe Places.

    • GAEN team on standby, if anything urgent comes up.

  • New functions in test in an Alpha build:

    • https://pathcheck.slack.com/archives/C016G9S8ZGB/p1596830997078300

    • HA onboarding - Stella to Triage - then put onto Test Queue for Suchithra / Nancy

      • Test this by faking location in SauceLab / Perfecto.

    • Zendesk integration - Stella to Triage - then put onto Test Queue for Suchithra / Nancy

      • Michael Smelzer runs Zendesk Support - may be able to get us a login so we can check for tickets we have raised.

    • General regression testing for new Alpha build - Nancy will take a look at this.

  • Other backlog function to test:

    • Scale testing - Suchithra will try to work on this up to the point we can test manually

      • Beyond that, some more tooling is needed to hit large scale.

  • Suchithra having problems with Staging:

    • May be an issue with scale - Suchithra to retest with a smaller data set, and raise a bug.

3 August 2020 - 12pm Eastern Time

Attendees: Stella, Suchithra


27 July 2020 - 12pm Eastern Time

Chris Kreis recorded the meeting - available here:
