Quality Targets - Safe Paths App MVP

Quality Targets - Safe Paths App MVP

This is a consultation document intended for use between Test, Dev and PM regarding quality targets for the MVP. Early Draft, under review - do not take any content here as final.

BRIEF UPDATE: After initial conversation with @Sam Zimmerman his feedback is that we are going to have to push forward the quality on Security & Privacy faster than we are at the moment - i.e. not acceptable for them to be Red and we need to get them moving towards Green. Anyone with a particular interst or expertise in Security or Privacy, please get in touch with @Diarmid Mackenzie The rest is probably about right. Some details on overall stratregy and why this is the right prioritization of wuality to follow shortly….

It is generated from the latest Quality Map (Apr 21 2020) by Test.

Based on Test’s understanding of the current levels of function in tha App it represents a best case in terms of quality targets that could be achieved for MVP, subject to fixes to address the bugs we will inevitably find in Test The need to ship the MVP quickly and pragmatically means that it is quite likely that the MVP we ship will in fact fall short of what is outlined in this document.

This is not a recommendation for the quality targets we should aim for in MVP (that is a matter for PLM).

It is not an assessment of the quality currently delivered by the App (our expectation is that the app falls short of this positon today on multiple aspects, but assessment is ongoing).

By highlighting certain cells red & yellow we aim to provide::

  • Direction for PM, that our current plan is expected to leave deficiencies in these areas vs. the eventual requirements for the product.

  • Direction for Test, that it would be unhelpful to raise bugs in these areas (except for bugs of extremely high severity) since it is acknoowledged and expected that these aspects of the product will be deficient.

  • Direction for Dev in terms of which bug fixes to target for MVP, and which bugs can be left.

Limitation: currently this document sets targets for External stakeholders only. Internal stakeholders are important too, but for the sake of efficiency while we assess the value of this exercise, we will leave them out.

If this document proves useful, we can extend or create a parallel doc for Internal Stakeholders.

This document is focussed on the Mobile App, but also flags where an attribute is dependent on other elements of the solution. A similar document could be generated for Safe Places as well, but this does not yet exist.

Users (Undiagnosed)


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Safe Paths

Non-App Dependencies

Precision of Info

When I overlapped with someone I want to get specific information (arrow time window, specific place)

We should meet this expectation


Accuracy (False Positives)

I don’t want to be warned about encounters where there was no plausible risk of infection

There will be False positives (e.g. when alone in a car)

Also dependent on redaction practices

Accuracy (False Negatives)

If I have an encounter with someone that risks infection, I want to be notified

There will be many false negatives, but at least some true positves

Also depends on other users sharing data

Reliability (foreground)

I want the app to work when I try to use it.  No hangs, crashes etc.

We should meet this expectation


Reliability (background)

Background operations of the app should work all the time - no silent failures

We should meet this expectation



I want it to be easy to understand what the app is telling me, and what actions I should take.

We should meet this expectation

May be additonal supporting guidance on websites


It should be easy to do what I want to do in the app without too much thought.

We should meet this expectation



My personal data should not be exposed without my consent

There are known shortcomings here: see Privacy Roadmap - Input from Testing team & Software Testing Community

Also depends on overall privacy architecture


The app should not expose me to any source of harm

There are known shortcomings here

Also depends on overall security architecture


I’m putting my trust in this app.  I don’t want it undermining my confidence in it.  I want it to feel like a high quality product..

We should meet this expectation

Dependency on quality of data available to App, availablity of HAs


The app should not cost me much to run & use (ideally it should be free).

Data volume downloaded is not optimized

Free requires agreements with network operators

Complete data

I want most infected users to share their data (actually a specific category of “False Negatives” but important enough to pull out separately)


Depends on public campaigning


Users (Diagnosed)

All these attributes are attributes for undiagnosed users too,  We pull them out because explicitly considering these attributes in the context of a diagnosed user leads to different insights - and the threats to quality are fundamentally different.

Note: some of the attributes that are important to Undiagnosed users are not important to diagnosed users, because they use the app differently - so not all rows are duplicated here.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Safe Paths

Non-App Dependencies


I want the app to work when I try to use it.  No hangs, crashes etc.

We should meet this expectation



When I am not trying to use the app, I don’t want it to bother me, or cause me any issues

We should meet this expectation



I want it to be easy to understand what the app is telling me, and what actions I should take.

We should meet this expectation



It should be easy to do what I want to do in the app without too much thought.

We should meet this expectation



My personal data should not be exposed without my consent

There are known shortcomings here. See: Privacy Roadmap - Input from Testing team & Software Testing Community

Also depends on overall privacy architecture


The app should not expose me to any source of harm

There are known shortcomings here

Also depends on overall security architecture


I’m putting my trust in this app.  I don’t want it undermining my confidence in it.  I want it to feel like a high quality product..

We should meet this expectation



The app should not cost me much to run & use (ideally it should be free).

Data volume uploaded is not optimized

“Free” requires agreements with network operators


Health Authority


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Safe Paths

Non-App Dependencies


It should be easy to guide a diagnosed use through the process of sending data.

We should meet this expectation

Depends on HA infra to receive data (e.g. email account in MVP)


The app should provide users with clear direction about what to do

We should meet this expectation



Information provided by the app must be accurate

We should meet this expectation



Patients directed to the Health authority by the app should not have been distressed, agitated or angered by their experience with the app.

Quality of data & matching in MVP means we don’t expect to meet this



Individuals at risk of COVID-19 exposure are notified promptly, so they can quickly reach out to the Health Authority for guidance

We should meet this expectation

Depends on broader siolution as well


A high proportion of people who install the app keep it installed

We should meet this expectation

Depends on broader siolution as well


A high proportion of people who install the app regularly use it.

We should meet this expectation

Depends on broader siolution as well


There should be no issues with the app as the number of infected patients tracked increased, or as the number of users of the app increases.

We should meet this expectation

Depends on broader siolution as well



The wider community in which the app is deployed.  They may or may not be users of the app.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Safe Paths

Non-App Dependencies


Reduces the spread of COVD-19

Impact limited in MVP

Depends on broader siolution as well


Enables a higher level activity within the community than would otherwise be possible.

Impact limited in MVP

Depends on broader siolution as well

Not harmful

App does not lead to harmful behaviour in the community (e.g. due to misinformation)

Risk of misinformation and other harm with MVP

Depends on broader siolution as well


Local Businesses

Businesses such as restaurants could be significantly damaged by information that connects their location to users diagnosed positive.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Safe Paths

Non-App Dependencies


I don’t want the fact that people who have visited my business, and are later diagnosed positive with COVID-19, to become public knowledge. 


Depends on Redaction


I don’t want to suffer damage to my business from misinformation spread by the App.


Depends on


Internet Service Providers


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Safe Paths

Non-App Dependencies

Low impact

Safe Paths should not disrupt my ability to deliver internet services to other users (either in terms of sustained bandwidth, or spikes)

We should meet this expectation



I’d like to understand what traffic in my network is driven by Safe Paths.  I may want to apply different policy to it (throttling, billing etc.).

We may meet this expectation

Depends on network traffic analysis capabilities



Partners are any organizations that have a relationship with Safe Paths, and are therefore stakeholders in our success.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)

Safe Paths

Non-App Dependencies

Privacy & Security

The app must be perceived as delivering its Privacy & Security claims

We won’t meet this expectation.

Depends on messagng about future improvements


The app should be having an impact

Impact limited in MVP

Depends on messagng about future improvements

Impact perception

The app should be seen to be having an impact

Impact limited in MVP

Depends on messagng about future improvements

Reputation & brand

The app should have a strong brand and reputation.  Among other things, we must avoid “ridiculous” errors, that could make entertaining (but embarrassing) news headlines.

E.g. “Car driving at 100mph along freeway past rush hour traffic in the other direction racks up 100 possible COVID-19 infections”

Or E.g. “Every resident of 100 storey tower block asked to self-isolate, due to a single COVID-19 postive patient self-isolating in his own apartment”

Risk of exactly these kinds of problems in MVP

Depends on messagng about future improvements


Privacy Advocates

By positioning ourselves as privacy-first, we encourage the support of privacy advocates, campaigners & influencers.

By supporting us, they become stakeholders in our success, and could be harmed if we underdeliver against our promises.


Illustrative statement (not comprehensive)



Privacy & Security

The app must be perceived as delivering its Privacy & Security claims

We won’t meet this expectation.

Depends on messagng about future improvements


The app must not develop a reputation for spreading misinformation.

We may not meet this expectation.

Depends on messagng about future improvements

Reputation & brand

The app should have a strong brand and reputation

We may not meet this expectation.

Depends on messagng about future improvements