How to add multiple data points directly in SafePlaces

How to add multiple data points directly in SafePlaces

Getting Data into Safe Places

We use Postman to get data into SafePlaces as below:

  1. Install Postman from https://www.postman.com/downloads/

  2. Import the SafePlaces Ingest API.postman_collection.json file attached to this page

  3. Once imported, click on SafePlaces Ingest API

    1. Click on the icon

    2. Click “Edit”

    3. Click “Variables”

    4. Create, and then set the ingest URL ingesturl to https://ingest.staging.safeplaces.extremesolution.com

  4. Go to https://staging.spl.extremesolution.com/trace

    1. Click “Add new record” and copy the 6 digit code

  5. In Postman, click “Access Code Valid”

    1. Change the POST url to {{ingesturl}}/access-code/valid, you can also watch the video attached to this page as an example Setting up SafePlaces Ingest API

    2. Now select the header tab “Body”

      1. You should see "accessCode": 149369”

      2. Enter the new 6 digit code overwriting 149369

      3. Click “Send”

      4. Should return TRUE

  6. In Postman, click “Consent”

    1. Change the POST url to {{ingesturl}}/consent

    2. Select the header tab “Body”

      1. You should see "accessCode": 149369, "consent": true

      2. Enter the 6 digit code as before

      3. Click “Send”

      4. Should return a 200 with an empty response body

  7. In Postman, click “Upload”

    1. Change the POST url to {{ingesturl}}/upload

    2. Select the header tab “Body”

      1. Again enter the 6 digit code as before, request body should look something like;

        { "accessCode": 149369, "concernPoints" : [ { "id": 30601, "publishDate": null, "caseId": 150, "pointId": 30601, "longitude": 42.21576848894619, "latitude": 13.925577559640354, "duration": 5, "nickname": null, "time": "2020-07-16T22:35:00.000Z" } ] }
      2. Click “Send”

      3. You should now see something like "uploadId": "fdf2b23a-d29c-489d-b79e-53c53e014383"

  8. Go back to SafePlaces browser

    1. Check data upload of this record id


Getting 14d Data into Safe Places

In order to test the boundaries of 14d worth of data you can edit the “concernPoints” to define the data you want to see in Staging https://staging.spl.extremesolution.com/publish

See test.json attached below for a larger example of data set

{ "accessCode": 149369, "concernPoints" : [ { "id": 30601, "publishDate": null, "caseId": 150, "pointId": 30601, "longitude": 42.21576848894619, "latitude": 13.925577559640354, "duration": 5, "nickname": null, "time": "2020-07-16T22:35:00.000Z" } ] }





  File Modified

File SafePlaces Ingest API.postman_collection.json

Jul 29, 2020 by Stella Nelson

File test.json

Jul 29, 2020 by Stella Nelson

File Setting up SafePlaces Ingest API.webm

Jul 29, 2020 by Stella Nelson