June 25, 2020 - SafeTrace presentation + South Africa Update
Introductions - 10 minutes
Main Topic: Can Kisagun cofounder of Enigma to present their solution to building a Trusted Execution Environment - 25 minutes
Co to present an update on COVI-ID (QR Code system) and how they are using Enigma - 15 minutes.
Q&A, Discussion and closing thoughts - 10 minutes
Can Kisagun, SafeTrace (presenter)
Co-Pierre Georg Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa (presenter)
Aaron Deacon
Vince Munoz
Emperatriz Garcia
Ismael Cedano
Jeff Kushmerek
Jeremy Hall
Kyle Towle
Sam Zimmerman
Sherif Kozman
Christian Crumlish
SafeTrace Presentation
Can Kisagun - can@enigma.co - presenting
SafeTrace started from an MIT Media Lab product - https://www.enigma.co/products/
SafeTrace is a back end system (API) for CT apps to guarantee privacy for users. Working to support Individual Awareness (CT), Social awareness (hotspot detection), and contribution to epidemiology research
ST is an API for secure storage and computation capabilities using Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trusted_execution_environment - a black box for data
Inputs are encrypted and sent to the ST server (decrypted there)
In the SafeTrace space you can run any kind of algorithms
Outputs are encrypted and sent to HAs,
Demo video: https://youtu.be/cyOuAMCQRlw
Q: Shareef: how does this compare to the GAEN system?
Can: the GAEN API uses randomized keys via BT. No location data. ST captures location data.
Covi-ID Update (South Africa)
Co-Pierre Georg - presenting
Covi-ID uses SafeTrace to protect the centralized data storage for their system.
User registers in the Covi-ID system which generates a QR code. The QR code functions as the ID for users to generate their location with verifiers at specific locations. These specific locations can be assigned specific contexts that go beyond just location (GPS) information.
These QR codes are scanned at entrance and exit, to generate a timeframe of duration in the location.
WE have 11 spoken languages in South Africa, with areas that do not use English or Afrikaans with technical proficiency. We need manual CT done by people.
Q: Kyle: how would another country follow your procedure in South Africa, without the established QR code functionality.
Co: we use QR codes a lot, but if you are in a country that doesn’t use QR codes like we do, it needs to be explained. Because of AliPay, like this, QR codes are all over Africa, India, China same. There is a pretty widespread exposure to QR codes.
Emperatriz Garcia: In Dominican Republic, we haven’t used it, but we are thinking about it in future.
Co: do you have payment apps that use QR codes? EG: no
Vince: we’ve used it in Guam for special events, for tourists, but not with locals so much. Probably work well for schools. It’s affordable.
Co: Yes, we’re working on a pilot with a school. We did a pilot with a farmer’s market, but that’s a confounded example (they’re tech savvy, engaged, proactive, ie non-representative of the average person)
We also have scale issues. One TEE works with about 10,000 users per instance.
We’re open source, as always: https://github.com/covi-id