New Demo Video
We want this to be reoriented around Aurora / GAEN and our mobile app framework as the primary with Safe Paths and Safe Places as secondary elements.
General Requirements
5 minute limit (same as before)
1080p source in the same google folder as before
Narrated demo
No spooky disappearing eyes for DC this time 😄
Due by 9am Thursday morning Pacific time
Slides suggested by Ramesh
Sample video from a different team (but is not a ‘demo’)
General Flow
Title Screen showing “Bluetooth Exposure Notification and Contact Tracing with the PathCheck Mobile App Framework”
no logos as we’re in transition, but same color scheme
Demo of Project Aurora reference application
This is the reference application for Project Aurora, an implementation of Google Apple Exposure Notification API, also known as GAEN
Here is the functionality of Aurora, as you can see, it faithfully follows the GAEN principles
This app was built with GAEN module of the PathCheck Mobile App Framework. It’s just one module in the platform.
Title Screen showing “PathCheck Mobile App Framework”
Tour of Aurora GitHub Repo which is where the Aurora code lives alongside other PathCheck Mobile App Framework code
Tour of general PathCheck GitHub Repo
With with PathCheck Mobile App Framework, you can build GAEN apps, GPS apps, and apps that combine GPS, WiFi, BlueToothBeacons, QR-codes. It’s just a matter of building in the modules you need.
Let’s see the other things you can build with the PathCheck Mobile App Framework
Title Screen showing “PathCheck COVID Safe Paths”
The COVID Safe Paths mobile app is available today for iOS and Android
Here is how Safe Places works…
It’s possible to build apps with this functionality and add additional features using the code in our GitHub repo (show repo for Safe Paths)
We are also working on our own Bluetooth module that offers more flexibility than what is available with GAEN.
Over time there will be a number of modules that will be useful to consumers and the public health organizations they serve. We also offer optional server products that complement the apps built with the Mobile App Framework
Title screen showing “PathCheck Safe Places”
Demo safe places just as before but…
Point out that contact tracers could be talking with someone who has an app based on any of the Mobile App Platform modules: Aurora or Safe Paths.
Show an Aurora flow like “a user with an Aurora app is calling because they got a notification so we’re going to manually enter locations from the intereview”
Show a Safe Paths flow like before through to publishing, but go fast 😀
End Screen