The QA role in this group is to not only verify that the app is functional in all manners that it defines for itself (which may have differences between each version, custom tailored to each Health Authority), but also that all Fit and Finish issues are conveyed to the developers with an eye on the customer experience in mind. Public facing technical issues are important, language translation is important (please see the listing of languages mapped to HA distribution HERE), and user interface are important in making a user-friendly app that will hopefully have a high participation level - in order to save lives.
There are Volunteer Testers coordinated by Voluntary Member Managers Stella Nelson and Jonathon Wright of Vivit Worldwide (LINK) both of whom are valued contributors and incredibly knowledgeable about Quality Assurance. The Volunteer force is dependent on their expertise in both management and technology. To note: They are on Slack and in the located in UK on GMT. Please see Arthur Gibson for details.
There is a high-end security team that is run by Alexander Chaveriat of Tuik security (LINK). They are largely independent, but when an issue arises, will coordinate with internal QA for compliance of information handling measures. Please see Arthur Gibson for details.
Currently the team uses Jira for tracking of both bugs as well as tracking stories. The current format is the Kanban lanes, but that may change (or may have already been changed). However, to note, the fixed issues will appear in the ON BUILD READY FOR QA TEST lane when they are ready for validation.
TO NOTE: Some of the documents here in the confluence area may be outdated. The pages HERE are filled with good information about how the product works and the mechanics behind the functionality, however, as with any software, the information becomes stale as the project continues. I would recommend that you consult Arthur Gibson for specifics that need clarity for you - and that you update the pages as you progress, change formats or platforms.
Please continue on. The roadmap - in my opinion - would be to complete reading this page, continue on to see the items in How to Test - GAEN Solution, specifically the next page Internal QA - Getting set up with iOS or Android (OLD), and when you feel confident with the app continue to GAEN Mobile App Quality.
Focus of Primary Directives
Currently, Path Check works towards a *weekly Sprint for Release Candidate for Heath Authorities. This may have changed, however, at the time of writing here are the is in Maintenance Mode for Heath Authorities. The main focuses QA needs to keep in mind during the day.
Validate the any current Release Candidate by following the (Validation Steps) if the build is ready
Verify that Volunteer Management has all the resources they need to keep the volunteers at capacity
Testing Checklist for the specific build
Check for fixes implemented to the build that are ready for validation
Locate and input bugs to the DB as directed or AdHoc
Verify that Volunteer Management has all the resources they need to keep the volunteers at capacity
Expectations for Validation of Release Candidate
New Notes: See Testing & Verifying New Builds
The Validation tests can be located HERE. The Verification General Test should be completed first, at the bottom it includes the End-To-End validation which requires AT LEAST TWO (2) phones and upwards of 12-24 hours for completion of the test. The End-to-End is also separated out for easy usage. There is also a separate page for the Interface Check validation steps and another page for the Upgrade Testing. I would recommend that the Interface Check be completed second, followed by the Upgrade Testing third, then the End-to-End Validation last. This is only a suggestion of best time management, your mileage may vary. Please see the page Export of Exposure Notifications Logs for post validation data retrieval from the phones. There is a page for tracking results HERE where the previous validations have been noted and the excel version of the verification tests can be downloaded for individual testing receipts.
Please continue to the Internal QA - Getting set up with iOS or Android (OLD) page to continue onboarding.