July 30 2020
Attendees: Diarmid, Bob (PM), John Sch, Matt B (Dev)
Diarmid presented early version of test strategy here: GAEN Test Strategy
Consensus on limited interpretation of project scope. But agreement that “evaluation of GAEN” intiative should be progressed in parallel as a research train - Diarmid to discuss with Sam.
Various challenges with build distribution
A given HD build will only enable certain languages
Unclear how to test customizability function. We’d like to test customization functionality genericaly, not just as used by a given HD - so we need a friendly HD that can create an extra APp version that we can use for testing.
Diarmid to reach out to Jeff/Jen for a siggestion (DONE: Jeff advised Guam).
Ramesh has started gathering physical phones
Nobody has a clear plan for what to do with these
John Sch would like a couple
Diarmid to consider testers who could take them - but concern that most testers are only contributing a few hours: hard to make good use of these.
We discussed making the phones available remotely. That requires some set-up, but might be useful - especially if they were in a known physical configuration. Still TBC exactly where they should be located, and do we need a server to connect in to them? (and if so, who provides & sets up). Jonathan Wright has built a similar setup with 4 phones for use by testers. That might be enough.
Overall - good to see testing starting to move forwards, but we need more clarity on how quickly we think we can progress from this point. Diarmid working on that with Vinay & others.