Testing & Verifying New Builds
As new builds and features are ready, they will be communicated by the tech team (more specifically, @Arthur Gibson )
Verifying an Entire Build:
Take a look at the Testing Checklist and walk through the entire checklist to pass the various User Interface, functional, and End to End tests for the build. Instead of duplicating the checklist on confluence, create a new ticket in the Jira QA board (see QA BOARD).
Fill out all of the information on this ticket and move to the appropriate column. Once all tests have been run and passed, move to the appropriate column and communicate with @Art Gibson .
Verifying AdHoc functionality:
Communicate with @Art Gibson about the specifics of the feature, read the release notes, and look at details on the Maintenance and Support Jira board. Based on those details, run appropriate QA tests to verify the functionality/bug fixes have been implemented properly.
Create a ticket on the QA BOARD for the feature approval, fill out the correct information, and update the ticket accordingly.
Once the feature or build is approved/verified:
Currently, there is no specific process for this except for communicating approval with @Art Gibson and moving the Jira tickets on the Maintenance and Support board to the appropriate location.