Design Review: Safe Places (Pre-MVP)
May 12, 2020
Reviewer: @Ali Raizin
Owner: @adam laskowitz
Make sure design leads on both sides of the platform know how features from one side impact the other
Generate open questions to be answered (outside of design)
Provide design feedback
Questions + Notes
HA setup page
What info is intended for each of these links?
Is there a specific place we’re intending to use them in the mobile app?
Saving / Versioning
How does it work? Can tracers accidentally overwrite data?
NOTE: Provide language explaining this (Zendesk page?)
How can we explain the redaction process to users?
User Testing with mobile mobile end users
Which (future/potential features) help build trust - act as tipping point to sharing or not sharing data, etc.
Date range
How to communicate to mobile end users?
What ranges will be published and why?
Point differentiation
Use of color
Selected data points
How to differentiate?
Change to same color as selection window?
What places would be redacted in a normal interview? Why or why not?
Potentially admin can only remove data not add?
Action items