[Aurora MVP] Non-configurable self-assessment flow product spec

[Aurora MVP] Non-configurable self-assessment flow product spec


  • PO: Jennifer Schnidman

  • PM: @Ranna Zhou

  • Dev: @Zeljko Furjan

  • UX: @Jeff Stolz (Deactivated)(+ @Ali Raizin )

Reviewers: @Kyle Towle @Sam Zimmerman @xian @Ali Raizin @Adam Leon Smith (Unlicensed)


Problem Statement

Currently community members have no way to receive recommendations from an HA if they are symptomatic, and can feel helpless because they don’t know what actions to take.

Proposed Work

We’ll build a self-assessment flow utilizing CDC’s recommended questions that community members using the Safe Paths app can fill out to receive information when they believe they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or when they receive an exposure notification from the Path Check platform.


Technical background:

Much of the flow is implemented here https://pathcheck.atlassian.net/browse/SAF-282 , originally by the Salesforce engineering team.

Customer background:

  • Many health authorities have expressed interest in self-assessment as an important part of their intake funnel. However, they would also like to be able to customize the recommendations to include local resources or additional triaging. It remains to be discussed beyond MVP what customization axes we should prioritize.

User Problems

The issues that users are having in this problem area today.

  • Community members need to hunt for information about symptoms in an attempt to self-diagnose.

  • Community members do not have readily accessible HA-sanctioned recommendations for what they should do in any context.



Community member can access the self-assessment flow in 3 ways:

  1. Exposure notification flow

    • Community member can see a CTA to go through the self-assessment flow if they would like to receive further instructions. This should be optional.

  2. In the exposure notification history view

  3. From the homepage of the app if they are feeling symptoms (likely to be part of IA redesign of homepage)

Self-assessment flow

  • Community member can select the symptoms they are experiencing.

  • Depending upon the symptoms reported, the user will encounter one of recommendation screens:

    1. If symptoms are severe, contact emergency services.

    2. If symptoms are mild, self-isolate at home.

    3. If symptom-free, continue social distancing and wearing personal protection equipment (PPE).

  • Localize language for Guam and other imminent MOUs.

Self-reporting flow

  • At the end of the self-assessment flow, community member should be allowed to consent to sharing their symptom data with the health authority.

  • TBD: language around for what purpose the HA will be using this data.

  • This should include a link to the HA’s privacy policy.

Future Work

List requirements that we know we want to add, but will do later.

  • Community member can optionally share additional demographic information and/or keep an in-app profile to designate their demographic info.

  • HA customizations:

    • Contact phone line

    • Recommendations in assessment.


Include anything related to this project that is out of scope.

