

One of our first global roll-out pilot partners (National Custom App Rollouts).

We are helping them set up their national government developer accounts for Apple and Google.


Note: will iterate on first-time checklist here, then generalize for subsequent partnerships.

Setting up dev accounts

on App and play store (Developer Accounts for HA Partners )


Haiti gov’t email address establish (app.gov.ht@gmail.com)
Apple ID set up
Apple ID sign up for Apple Developer program started
Two-factor authentication turned on
Name of developer account owner (actual govt Haiti rep, Khahlil gathering)
Select entity type: Government Organization
D-U-N-S number needed
… ?
Apple ID sign up for Apple Developer program completed

App production

Identify design changes needed, inc. icons https://pathcheck.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SAFE/pages/34046026
Produce updated visual assets (Logo, screens for app store- as necessary, splash screen) (Ali/Jared)
Small copy updates to reflect app name, health authority name, country, etc. (Patty Michaud)
Content needed: app store descriptions, privacy policy (Gerald?)
Translations (Gerald)
Heath authority data source link and name, website (Abhishek)
Build each app (sign correctly for store) x 2 (Abhishek / Vitor)
upload and submit each app for review x 2


ask those countries to call Apple/Google to get onto their regular conference calls
IT ministry needs to get onto Apple/Google’s preferred countries list
ht email needs to be on that mailing list
Haiti should get country concierge from Apple/Goog
Need to get concierge from each Apple/G and set up calls with each