Distribute builds for a new HA

Distribute builds for a new HA

This document describes what needs to be done in Bitirse/AppCenter to start distributing builds for a new HA.



  • Create a new keystore from Android Studio and save it in this Google Drive folder (just to keep it in case we lose access to the secrets stored in Bitrise).

  • Add 3 new workflows to bitrise.io:

deploy-[newha]-android-release: after_run: - run_from_repo deploy-[newha]-android-staging: after_run: - run_from_repo deploy-[newha]-android-debug: after_run: - run_from_repo
  • Add those 3 workflows to pathcheck-mobile-resources. Copy the steps from the other workflows and edit the environment variables.

  • Add the keystore and keystore password to Bitrise secrets. To encode the keystore in base64 run openssl base64 -A -in key.jks locally and copy the output.

  • Add references to the new workflows in deploy-android-release, deploy-android-release-candidates, deploy-android-staging and deploy-android-debug