PathCheck SafePlaces 1.2.1

PathCheck SafePlaces 1.2.1

Release Date

July 20 2020

What’s new?

Fast-follow hot fix to a millisecond-offset bug in the iOS codebase.

Reminder of 1.2 updates:

  • Major improvements to location-tracking accuracy on iOS

  • Spanish as a supported language (joining English and Haitian Kreyol), in preparation for an upcoming launch with a new jurisdiction!

  • Now requires SSL for all data transmission

  • Improved network performance and data using via caching

  • New functionality that enables partner jurisdictions to test end-to-end with high transparency in a production environment

  • Many, many bug fixes

What can you do to help

If you’re an iOS user, please download the latest version as soon as it’s available in your store, particularly in a supported jurisdiction, and be sure to turn on location logging.