PathCheck SafePlaces 1.2.1
PathCheck SafePlaces 1.2.1
Release Date
July 20 2020
What’s new?
Fast-follow hot fix to a millisecond-offset bug in the iOS codebase.
Reminder of 1.2 updates:
Major improvements to location-tracking accuracy on iOS
Spanish as a supported language (joining English and Haitian Kreyol), in preparation for an upcoming launch with a new jurisdiction!
Now requires SSL for all data transmission
Improved network performance and data using via caching
New functionality that enables partner jurisdictions to test end-to-end with high transparency in a production environment
Many, many bug fixes
What can you do to help
If you’re an iOS user, please download the latest version as soon as it’s available in your store, particularly in a supported jurisdiction, and be sure to turn on location logging.
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