Feedback From Vince Munoz on These Designs

Feedback From Vince Munoz on These Designs

vince munoz(opens in new tab)  8 hours ago

Load Data: Should be able to filter this grid list because more the contact tracer is looking to work on a specific client’s records.  Also, it might be helpful to add a column formatted as Day 1, Day 2,… Day N. This way the contact tracer can visually get a feel for how many locations there are for a given day, if for example there is a gap where there are no records with Day 3 then this should be an alert to the contact tracer. We may also want to consider Day 1-Morning, Day 1-Morning, Day 1-Afternoon, etc. which allows the contact tracer to visually see if there are gaps during parts of the day.

  • @Former user (Deleted) I had been exploring a day-by-day walkthrough in the tool but it became a bit complicated in the time we have to produce MVP designs. It’s something I will address for future versions though.

vince munoz(opens in new tab)  8 hours ago
Original Data: Maybe a Radio button on the top, I would imagine that data that is deleted during redaction will be a soft delete, so there should be a status flag for the record.

  • I’m not sure how this is much different than this - aside from a different UI. Is there a reason you think a radio button is better? @Former user (Deleted) How would the radio button interaction work to affect the data?


vince munoz(opens in new tab)  8 hours ago
Viewing records selected maybe best for the list to highlight records so the contact tracer can see the records in relation to the chronological records.  Perhaps a toggle that display all and display selected only.

  • @Former user (Deleted) after a discussion with Ali I think the best approach for this is to always keep unselected points visible on the map but lightened quite a bit so it’s obvious they are unselected. This will also reinforce to users that there is more data loaded than what they have selected.

vince munoz(opens in new tab)  8 hours ago
Typically, on geospatial record listings the data is displayed horizontally. This is to allow multiple fields and provide a filter at the grid header (for example could filter by day or patient). On the left of the grid is usually a select checkbox.  This may come in handy if health authorities choose to add additional fields like contact tracer id, process date, etc.

  • @Former user (Deleted) Can you explain this one a little bit more? I’m not fully following how/why the data would be displayed horizontally. Can you sketch something and paste it here?

vince munoz(opens in new tab)  8 hours ago
There may be a 3rd user group here, which are the analyst that examine the spread.  For the analyst, they would probably want to view all data, it might be good to have a function that does geospatial clustering to see if there are points common among many clients that have tested positive. It may aid analyst in finding sources. In the case of Guam it’s very easy for us to tag locations that have dense gatherings like markets because we have polygons of all building overlays with the business name and type (market, school, etc.)

  • Totally! I’m not sure this user group is in scope for MVP, but I completely agree. I want to learn more about analysts/epidemiologists before diving too deep into these kinds of features though.

vince munoz(opens in new tab)  8 hours ago
For the Draw to Select More Points toggle, maybe anticipate a need for a toolbox.

  • @Former user (Deleted) What do you mean by toolbox? Do you mean a tool tip to let a user know what this does?

vince munoz(opens in new tab)  8 hours ago
With respecting to selecting data using mouse over map, selection by polygon is typically the most common way geospatial selection using a mouse is performed.

  • We can look into this as a capability on the tech side

vince munoz(opens in new tab)  8 hours ago
Client points should have a buffer to execute a geospatial join to determine what common name location is associated with the point, with the results in a stuff field.  This makes it easy for the client to determine if a location point was valid

  • @Former user (Deleted) a point that came up with @Jorge Ramos also about combining “similar” data (by location and time co-occurring). I’m going to mock this up in the designs but I’m not sure we can get to it for MVP

vince munoz(opens in new tab)  8 hours ago
Also need to be able to Add New Client, this is for persons who have tested positive but do not have a cellular device to capture locations.  Contact tracer would sit with client to capture locations

  • Great idea! I’ll explore this

vince munoz(opens in new tab)  8 hours ago
I didn't see a function to add points... in case location history is missing data.  Add points should be both click location on map or search box for common locations names to zoom to > then add point (edited) 

  • Great idea!