PathCheck Foundation
Formerly known as “Path Check, Inc.”
Note no space between Path and Check.
This will be the developer listed in the app stores for our mobile apps
Initially a dba, later to become a legal entity, perhaps PathCheck
PathCheck for Android (FKA COVID Safe Places)
PathCheck GPS Kit for Android
PathCheck GPS Kit for iOS
Aurora (codename for unreleased GAEN app)
PathCheck CT
Front End
Back EndFoundation LLC.
PathCheck Mobile Product Family
Our mobile app for GPS-based location tracking and optional exposure notification when connected to a properly equipped health authority backend application.
“PathCheck is a free mobile app that allows consumers to record locations they have recently visited, compare these locations to known points of potential exposure, and optionally share their anonymous location data with local health authorities.”
Formerly known as “COVID Safe Paths” which will be renamed in the app stores with this change
By far our most visible product, so it has the most simple name and maps directly to the website, which will be, and to the app developer listed in the app stores (PathCheck Foundation).
Available for both iOS and Android so it’s also OK to use the following in situations where there is platform ambiguity:
PathCheck for iOS
PathCheck for Android
PathCheck Mobile App Framework
Our developer kit for creating white label native mobile apps based on PathCheck technology
“The PathCheck Mobile App Framework is open source software that helps health authorities and other organizations build private-by-design mobile apps using GPS location, the Google Apple Exposure Notification API, and other Bluetooth-based contact tracing technology.”
Has several modules / libraries / packages that can be optionally included in mobile apps depending on the desired functionality as follows:
GPS Module
GAEN Module
Formerly known as codename “Aurora”
Our open source mobile code for building apps based on the GAEN API
This is only available white label as the basis for apps to be individually branded and related directly from health authorities (E.g. Guam + PathCheck), so we don't have a PathCheck name for such apps. We specifically DO NOT want HAs to use the PathCheck brand in the name of their apps because it implies that we are aware of and approve the functionality of these apps, which is not and will not be the case. See trademark guidelines below.
Bluetooth Module [future]
Our own non-GAEN Bluetooth solution
Symptom TrackerModule [future]
A set of functionality to add symptom tracking features to apps
Notification ModuleModule [future]
A set of functionality to receive and act on notifications from health authorities
PathCheck Certified [Future]
Potential future certification program where they can ship an app that is built on our source
Trademark Guidelines
Developers who use the MDK may not use our trademark in their name or make any other representation that they are endorsed by or affiliated with PathCheck Foundation.
Developers can list us as an included library in their listing of open source technologies.
PathCheck Server Product Family
PathCheck Health | PathCheck Places
The server product line formerly known as “Safe Places”
“PathCheck Health is pen source software for building applications that contact tracers use to record, de-identify, and manage location information from tracing interviews and location data from apps based on the PathCheck Mobile App Framework.”
Used by health authorities to support contact tracing operations
The line includes two products today with two coming the future as follows:
PathCheck Health Tools | PathCheck Places Tools
Formerly known as “Front End”
The front-end web application that helps contact tracers do mapping and redaction
May include symptom checking and other features in the future
PathCheck Health Server | PathCheck Places Server
Formerly known as “Back End”
The on-premise installed server that processes location and notification data
PathCheck Health Cloud [future]
A PathCheck hosted version of Path Check Health that contains all the services and tools for contact tracing and HA administration
PathCheck Exposure Notification Server [future]
A GAEN server, if we need one
PathCheck Alliance
PathCheck Alliance partners offer products and services that complement PathCheck software
PathCheck Alliance Consulting Partners advise health authorities and other organizations on digital contact tracing strategy, implementation, and roll-out.
PathCheck Alliance Implementation Partners implement apps and applications based on PathCheck software as part of digital contact tracing solutions they build for health authorities and other organizations.
PathCheck Alliance Technology Partners provide hardware and software technologies that integrate with or otherwise enable the implementation of digital contact tracing solutions based on PathCheck software.
How would we brand something like the Path Check + Covi-ID partnership in South America?
We wouldn’t include our trademark in any such initiative. We would come up with a name like “Stop COVID-19” / “dejar de covid-19” and describe the partnerships that participate.
Adam Berrey
Ramesh Raskar