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The vast majority of this still need to be addressed in public documentation. A minority of items still need substantial additional thought & analysis. Note that the additional set of unanswered concerns raised on Keith Klain’s podcast has been folded in with the other sets of concerns.


At a high-level, what do we still need to do to adequately address these concerns?

  • Build an Ethical Model that identifies key risks. Determine how to mitigate these risk, document that.

  • Develop & publish a Security Threat Model

  • Develop & publish Security by Design Guidelines

  • Publish a register of organizations contributing to the project, and their interests.

  • Define the tests we use to determine whether a given organization qualifies as a “Health Authority” for the purposes of deploying our technology, and how we will maintain this standard over time.

  • Publish a detailed positon on Privacy, including Privacy Principles & implementation details.

  • Review the above to ensure they cover all points of concern raised below, and fill in any other gaps that may exist.

  • Once everything is published, explicitly drive external review from relevant interested experts, and act on their feedback.

Some questions that I don’t think we have good enough answers to yet…

  • What are we doing to ensure that the behaviour of our organization in future matches the standards that we have today?

  • How do we constrain what 3rd parties can do with our Open Source software, that may not align with our principles?

(for everything else, I think we have reasonable answers, though further flaws may be identified in the process of working through & documenting all the details).


As well as Privacy concerns, there are a wide range of other Ethical concerns.  If the project is Privacy-first, where do Ethics come?

  • Ethical risks need to not only be identified - there needs to be a clearly articulated & executed follow-through plan to mitigate. Publish a list of all ethics-related risks & our mitigation plans

  • An Ethical model would be useful - Fiona Charles suggested helping to build one (I didn’t reach out to take her up on this - I suspect it would be too late to ask her to do this, but we could ask her to review something we had created). Invite Fiona Charles & others to review out published ethical model

  • Concern about risk of harm to people who may be identified as COVID-infected. Discuss in our list of ethical risks.

  • Still no public evidence that there has been a comprehensive review of ethical considerations, and plans created to mitigate ethical risks - with this having happened early enough in the project that it can influence outcomes. Publish an ethical model + mitigations for all risks.

  • Specifically in the US, some specific issues with the cost to an individual of testing (even if the government says tests are paid for, the reality is not so. How is this issue handled? Articulate how our solution depends on testing - and explain what can be done if there are issues with availability/costs of testing

  • Not clear what all the organizations involved in the project are, and what their motivation are - with a particular concern about the involvement of for-profit companies: what is their real motivation for helping? Genuine disbelief that private companies can be contributing out of altruism. Transparency: we need a position on what private companies are contributing, and with what motivation. Detail all the entities involved in the project, and explain the nature & extent of their involvement & the reasons for being involved.

  • Not enough clarity over who exactly who is responsible for the systems that contain the data.  Publish a clear position on exactly what data exists in what systems, and who is responsible.

  • Concern about harm to small businesses, because of information being spread that there was a COVID infection there. Include this in our list of risks of harm, and explain teh the steps we are taking to mitiagte it.

  • For specific risks of harm, see also: Risks of Harm


  • More project information should be in the public domain so that it is open to scrutiny by anyone with an interest, not just people who have signed up to support the project. See other points. Publishign Publishing on all points raised will go a long way here.

  • If we are already following particular guidelines, e.g. Privacy By Design guidelines, this should be clearly stated & evidenced in public. Publish PBD & SBD guidelines used on the project.

  • White paper is vague & high level - not enough technical details to review properly. Publish detailed technical information about our implementation & how it aligns with Privacy & Security principles

  • In a video, Ramesh Raskar talks about what the Health Authority can do with the data, without explictly highlighting the fact that this must all be done only with the user’s participation & consent. Ensure we publish clear statements on these topics.

  • Precise language is very important, e.g. data creation vs. data collection; “government agencies” “your town’s website” (plus see specific previous point) Ensure published information is very clear & unambiguous in use of terminology.


  • The idea that what Health Authorities do with the data they receive will be constrained by the what we write in our Requirements docs is naive. Publish information about HA obligations under HIPAA, as they relate Safe Paths.

  • It appears we have no mechanism to oblige the HA to act with the consent of the user.  Health Authorities in the US may be tightly regulated, but this may not be true in other jurisdictions. Explain how we are engaging with Health Authorities across the world to ensure they deplo deploy in line with our principles on privacy & consent.

  • What protections do we have against coercion of users to provide data against their will? Address this in published text.

  • How do we define what is a Health Authority?  How can we be sure that we won’t change that definition over time & include other agencies (e.g. security)? Present our definition of a Health Authority, and our safeguards against this definition changing.

  • Concerns about how long data is kept for Explain how this is enforced.

  • Concern about Open Source model. Anyone can come in & modify the project from the original vision. The technology could also be forked and re-used for some other purpose beyind the original design intent. We need to present this issue & what our plans are to overcome it.


  • Couldn't the data be anonymous even prior to the contact trace interview, in the sense that the health official, and the systems have no idea what the user’s identity is? I believe th the contact tracer will make an outgoing call to the patient & therefore will know who they are - but this is an HA implementation decision, and not down to us. We should document as part of privacy documentation

  • Certain locations such as “home” could be configured on the device and geo-fenced such that data is not even recorded on the device in these locations.  That would improve privacy I believe this has been considered by there are arguments against? Lets articulate them clearly & pubicly.

  • Location services might be better implemented as a variable precision parameter, rather than a binary on/off.  (one for Apple / Google primarily; though we could pioneer this approach in this app?) We could consider this as a privacy option - geohashes could work well to offer different resolutions
