A is a Mototola G7 Power (Android 9)
B is Samsung Galaxy J6 (Android 9)
C is a Redmi 6A (Android 8.1) (27 Apr NOTE: I later discovered this phone was using WiFi *not* GPS for Location)
From about 07:40 (05:40 UTC) to 10:21 (08:21 UTC), they were all on a desk, inside, next to me while I worked on my computer.
Does WiFi destabilize location data when indoors? Would we get more stable data with WiFi disabled?
How much of the problems are with the App vs. GPS signals? As stated before, a control in the form of another GPS app would be valuable.
What are the causes of the variations in timing of GPS logs? Given the multiple patterns observed, there appear to be multiple causes.
Is there anything we can do in software to improve the reliability of GPS data? E.g. gather multiple readings and discard any outliers?
Plus some more unansered many unanswered questions carried over from the last session…
Does disabling & re-enabling location data in the app actually reset the GPS ping cycle & therefore synchronize the timers? Not yet clear.
What is a good approach to use to provide a “control” for GPS data? Tracing location data with google in parallel? Will doing so interfere with my test results (e.g. by “priming” the GPS receiver in some way?
Is there already established expertise on this topic that I am unaware of, and therefore failing to take advantage of.
What Next?
See previous Test Report - most of that is still valid.
This test session has covered the following item
Indoord & outdoorsGPS pings synchronized & non-syncrhonized
We can also add:
Repeat indoor static phone tests with WiFi disabled, to see if this makes any difference.