Volunteer MoPs, willing to share their location data & a daily report.
Volunteer MoPs to participate in contact trace interviews
Volunteer contact tracers
Data controller who can monitor how we use PII
Overall people to run the analysis daily
Someone to direct the experiments
PM/Dev engagement to learn from this & fix problems.
Other considerationsWhat to measure?
How do we measure “effectiveness” ?
User accounts of their movements vs. what the location trails tell us vs. what notiifcations triggered? Use this info to try to account for numbers of false negatives, true positives & false positives…
Epidemiological view of effectiveness - independent review of stuff in previous bullet?
User feedback on messaging - how seriously do they take it? Do they know what to do? Other feedback?
Contact tracer feedback.
MoP feedback on contact tracing experience
How many people?
Depends how active / mobile / engaged people are going to be.
Directed interactions only need a small numebr of people (< 10) to be able to do some effective stuff,
Larger groups of people enable more non-directed learnings, much more unexpected stuff will start to happen as we get to 50+ people.
Much more tech/auutomation needed to process into from 50+ people than from 5-10 people - with 5-10 lots could be manual.
Suspect we should aim for ~10 people for a week, then grow by ~20 people/week so we are at 50 people after 3 weeks. Not obviously going to get lots more benefit from scaling above 50 people, and will become increasingly challenging to organize….