Setting up App, Build Profiles for Development and Public Distribution:
Generating App:
Via the app store App Store Connect, create an app and bundle id with the steps below. This needs to be done by a user with at least “App Manager” privilege.
Instructions to generate profiles for the bundle id via the Apple Developer ProfilePortal:
Add your developer device UDIDs to devices list https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/devices/list
Create a iOS App Development Provisioning Profile for your bundle id with the following 5 entitlements:
During generation add devices from Step 1 to profile
Create 1 Adhoc Provisioning Profile for your bundle id signed for Distribution.
During generation add devices from Step 1 to profile.
Create 1 AppStore Provisioning Profiles for your bundle id signed for App Store distribution with Exposure Notification Entitlements and APS entitlements.
Save .p12 file containing certificate + private key used to sign the Adhoc and AppStore Provisioning distribution profiles.
Save any passwords used to generate .p12 file.