Safe Places is not a hosted service for a HA to create an account and login to. It is a tool that needs to be cloned from Github (or given the code somehow), installed on their systems and stood up entirely as a single instance for the HA. This means a few things:
A HA needs an engineer who can help them do this
We don’t have a full product landing page as you would expect for a consumer product
There isn’t an open ended account creation experience
Safe Places is used in conjunction with existing contact tracing tools and health authority systems. It is not a complete contact tracing tool. It is used to augment and slightly automate the contact tracing process.
Augment: contact tracers have a hard time jogging patients memories of where they’ve been and who they’ve been in contact with. A tracer having map data to review with a patient helps significantly to draw historical context for a patient and help the tracer get better data.
Automate: data from a patient is redacted and published to all Safe Path users in a region. This automates some of the network contacting a tracer has to do to get in touch with people who “might have been exposed.” Instead, the published data goes out and matches with each individual user’s data to see if they might have been exposed.
A contact tracer works with an individual patient at a time - no need to combine data sets for a contact tracer.
A HA owns the publishing of the data from all contact traces. They don’t really have context on each individual one, but they might need to edit data from time to time before committing a publish to the community.
A HA needs a Google Maps API key in order to use the tool
What’s next?
This document will remain relatively up to date - at least that is the goal. If you’d like to help out with Safe Places you should either get in touch with Ali Raizin or adam laskowitz.