There are 2 key concerns for our internal Test team
Are the branding process & pipelines fit for purpose? Is it well-documented, usable etc.?
Actually testing the branded versions of the apps, ahead of use by a customer.
It is likely that as we get comfortable with the process, we will get a sense of where the key risks lie in Branding, and be able to tailorr the testing under 2 to just focus on these risk areas, rather than having to retest the whole app. In the short term, while we are still developing this understanding, we should expect to perform a pretty comprehensive test of the first few branded apps.
We also need to consider how the custmer will test their branded version.
For Android, we can distribute APKs
For Apple, we will presumably need to use TestFlight. Some thought needed to make that work.
(maybe we should put a “rough”version of the branded app - maybe not even branded at all yet - into the App store submission immediately at the start of the process, to reduce delays later)
Operationalizing the Pipeline
We will need clear definitions for the customer regarding:
What they can brand
What they can’t brand
What assets they must provide for the things they want to brand, and what formats are acceptable (SVG, hi-red bitmaps etc.)
In the short term, the key for efficiency will be precisely defining this set of information/assets, so we can collect with minimal iterations.
Manual collection of these assets (and manual check-in into the Repo) is probably acceptable in the near-term, at least for the first few brandings. More automation here starts to be necessary as we move into 10s of brandings.
Assumptions / Restrictions
Selection of Health Authorities will be as per the standard app, with all HAs available for subscription, and recommendations/auto-subscriptions made based on location, rather than based on branding.
We won’t offer any means of pre-provisioning HAs, or restrcting access to other HAs.