Adam Leon Smith is looking at a number of solutions for Test Data
His own Google location history. 5 years of data rebased into 86 different versions of March 2020. He has tools to do this manipulation if you want to (see the test plan doc)
If you are using your own long-term location history for testing, be mindful of privacy concerns, and keep the data to yourself (do not share with the project) unless you have explicit agreement otherwise.
He has a ML contact who can use this as seed data to generate many more similar trails.
Huw Price previously solved this problem for smart cities project, Jonathan Wright has reached out for the 5billion historical journeys previously generated (GPX format)Some examples are available on the Test Plan: Safe Places page and Adam has a lot more if you need it.
We have a lead on a tech that allows a user to program alternate GPS coordinates into their phone, to simulate being in different locations. Could be a powerful enabler, as testers will be able to use test data from anywhere in the world.
Jonathon Wright is qualifying this opportunity. Working with Eran Kinsbruner around using the same stack we used to test smart city mobile apps (https://youtu.be/wuQt97rTa1Y)
Test Data / Mock HAs for Automation. Problem that will need solving. Probably give to PQA Test as part of their Automation mission -
Diarmid is looking with Dev at whether we can bypass the complexities of the Ap’s interfaces on location data by isolating the relevant components of the App in a pure software harness, and simply feeding location data in directly. Test Strategy for Location Data Filtering / Presentation Algorithms. Would be keen to find technical testers keen to work on this - needs some programmind / data skills.
Security / Privacy
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Pritesh Patel + colleagues from BioConnect are experts in this space & starting to pull together an overall strategy, based on the previous bullet as a starting point.PM + Dev are now engaged with the importance of Privacy, and the need for a cleear plan to close existing gaps.
Dev are working with Salesforce, who have offered to
Adam Leon Smith has raised a feature request for a brief architectural deployment/security note on this for Safe Places