ORG ID : 1eb7c9ac-e417-4845-a7e3-a74db447ecc7
Apps information for staging environment
For iOS App: Staging YAML file to give the app access to Test Safe Places Staging SafePlaces instances
10 data points: https://diarmidmackenzie.pythonanywhere.com/location-data?longitude=42&latitude=13&points=10
14 days:https://diarmidmackenzie.pythonanywhere.com/location-data?longitude=42&latitude=13&points=4032
10 data points but spread: https://diarmidmackenzie.pythonanywhere.com/location-data?longitude=42&latitude=13&points=10&step=1e-10
SafePlaces information for staging environment
You can follow this guide to add data points into SafePlaces directly without using Mobile GPS
Latest App builds
Mobile GPS releases can be found in #mobile-gps-releases slack channel and attached below
GAEN release can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kCVF3AQE5Ur0G8c7XrdVNKBNT8yUAbP2
Attachments |