SafePaths information for staging environment
For iOS App: Staging YAML file
to give the app access to Test Safe Places instances
JSON for getting data in the app Getting 14d of data onto a phone (or into Safe Places)
10 data points: https://diarmidmackenzie.pythonanywhere.com/location-data?longitude=42&latitude=13&points=10
14 days:https://diarmidmackenzie.pythonanywhere.com/location-data?longitude=42&latitude=13&points=4032
10 data points but spread: https://diarmidmackenzie.pythonanywhere.com/location-data?longitude=42&latitude=13&points=10&step=1e-10
You can follow this guide to add data points into SafePlaces directly without using Mobile GPS How to add multiple data points directly in SafePlaces
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